Cloetta Keeps Its Secrets With Censornet

Confectionery business minimizes cyber threats with cloud-based security

25 October, 2016, Basingstoke: Censornet, the complete cloud security company, has today announced it has been selected by Cloetta, one of Europe’s most successful confectionery businesses, to secure its cloud environment and remote working facility. The sweet manufacturer felt Censornet’s Unified Security Service (USS) was best placed to drive down the company’s exposure to malicious applications and email threats.

Technology underpins much of Cloetta’s working practices. The company uses the cloud to reduce its infrastructure footprint and is committed to facilitating remote working to help grow the business. With increased flexibility, however, comes increased risk and the company wanted to ensure its employees are safe from threats when using cloud applications and the internet wherever they are.

After reviewing the market, Cloetta felt that Censornet USS Web Security and Email Security were the best solutions to fit its needs and was impressed with the security company’s ability to tailor solutions uniquely to the customer. The confectionery company is now using Censornet USS to monitor and control web activity from a single dashboard and is benefiting from Censornet’s ‘follow-the-user’ philosophy which allows web access control to pass seamlessly from desktop to laptop to mobile. Employees are now protected from malware no matter their location or device.

GertJan Minkels, solution architect at Cloetta, said: “When we implemented the solutions, we had to fine tune them to fit Cloetta’s business model – Censornet held our hand through this process, enabling us to quickly solve any problems that came up. Compared with the competition, we found that Censornet’s technology is lightweight, adaptable and great value for money.”

Ed Macnair, CEO of Censornet, added, “We are thrilled to be working with Cloetta and helping keep their secret recipes a secret. The ease and flexibility of cloud applications has helped many businesses grow, but has also presented a number of security challenges. At Censornet we are committed to ensuring technology is a business enabler, not a hazard for growing organizations and our security solutions help ensure malicious threats are kept at bay.”

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