Censornet Creates Unique Offering with MFA USS Integration

Censornet, the complete cloud security company, has announced the integration of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) into its award winning Unified Security Service (USS) Cloud platform. In doing so, Censornet is providing organisations with a ‘single pane of glass’ for full visibility and control of web, authentication, cloud applications and email.

With the majority of network breaches still involving weak or stolen passwords where hackers simply log-in and have undetected access to systems and data, Censornet’s robust MFA capability stops these threat actors in their tracks. Its integration with Censornet USS means organisations can now simultaneously protect employees against both cyber threats and accidental or intentional leaks of sensitive data, while keeping the business safe from the risks associated with cloud applications and Shadow IT – all with complete visibility through a single, centralised management dashboard.

“This integration marks the latest step in helping SMEs and enterprises alike correlate security events with full real-time visibility and control across all devices in a single solution,” explains Ed Macnair, CEO of Censornet. “There’s a perception that threat actors from around the world are using increasingly sophisticated means of attack, but the fact remains that 81% of hacking related breaches are still linked to either stolen or weak passwords. This technology achievement stems from our tireless efforts to take what our customers tell us about their security management concerns to create a unique end-to-end proposition spanning the entire IT estate.”

Garrett Bekker, Senior Analyst at 451 Research comments, “Although organisations are continuing to invest heavily in security, many are struggling with ‘alert fatigue’. They are overwhelmed with endless alerts from multiple products and find it near impossible to see the wood for the trees. Firms can obtain real value when they have a 360-degree viewpoint of their overall SaaS security posture and are able to prioritise and focus their efforts where they are most needed.”

Censornet’s MFA solution is 100% cloud-based and therefore simple to implement and manage. It incorporates One Time Passcodes (OTPs), which are session specific, generated in real time, and can be sent using multiple delivery methods including SMS, email and via a mobile app with end-to-end encryption. Unlike other services Censornet MFA includes automatic failover between methods ensuring users receive passcodes even when they have no mobile signal, for example. Censornet MFA integrates with Microsoft® Active Directory and a wide range of services and applications out-of-the-box including all major VPN vendors.

Business leaders and IT decision makers who want to learn more about the Censornet USS solution are invited to see live demonstrations and presentations which will be taking place on Stand M120 throughout InfoSec.

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