Censornet shortlisted for two prestigious British Small Business Awards

Basingstoke, UK – 14 June 2024

Censornet, the leading British cybersecurity company, has been shortlisted for the prestigious British Small Business Awards in the categories of Technology Provider of the Year and Small Business of the Year. This recognition is a testament to Censornet’s excellence in the field of cybersecurity and its commitment to providing innovative solutions to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). 

Business leaders know that securing data is a non-negotiable task. If a breach occurs, they will face significant financial and reputational damage, with one survey warning that 70% of customers would stop doing business with a company that suffered a breach.

Censornet has been designed to safeguard organisations against this with its sophisticated cybersecurity platform that seamlessly integrates automation and advanced threat protection. This innovative approach has revolutionised the way SMEs defend against an overwhelming level of cyber threats, including the ever-persistent danger of data loss and ransomware attacks, which continue to challenge businesses globally.

For budget and resource constrained mid-market customers, unifying essential security functions brings great benefit. Censornet has not only simplified cybersecurity management for its clients but has also equipped them with the tools they need safeguard their business. They can plug-and-play, immediately solving their most pressing security concerns whilst meeting compliance objectives. Typically, mid-market customers would have to manage multiple vendors and manually integrate solutions. Gartner has warned that “security leaders have too many tools”. Censornet’s platform eliminates this.

The accolade of being shortlisted for the British Small Business Awards highlights not just Censornet’s accomplishments but stands as a beacon for British innovation and the ability to adapt and thrive amidst cyber adversities. This recognition serves to underscore the significance of pioneering, home-grown solutions in fortifying the digital economy and protecting the backbone of the UK’s business landscape – the SMEs.

The winners will be announced live and in-person at the British Business Awards ceremony, set to take place on the evening of the 14th November 2024 in London. You can view all the finalists here. 

"Censornet is proud to be a British-based cybersecurity company dedicated to helping mid-sized enterprises protect themselves" said Ed Macnair, CEO of Censornet. "With SMEs forming the lifeblood of the economy, it’s imperative to simplify and bolster their resilience against rising cyberthreats, leaning into evolving technologies, such as AI and proxy-less architecture, to help."

The accolade of being shortlisted for the British Small Business Awards highlights not just Censornet’s accomplishments but stands as a beacon for British innovation and the ability to adapt and thrive amidst cyber adversities. This recognition serves to underscore the significance of pioneering, home-grown solutions in fortifying the digital economy and protecting the backbone of the UK’s business landscape – the SMEs.

The winners will be announced live and in-person at the British Business Awards ceremony, set to take place on the evening of the 14th November 2024 in London. You can view all the finalists here. 

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