
Cyber Security for Charities and Non-Profits

As more and more charities turn to digital platforms to achieve their missions and reach their supporters, the need for effective cyber security measures has never been more pressing. Unfortunately, cyber threats such as hacking, phishing scams, and malware attacks are all too common in the digital landscape, and charities can be particularly vulnerable targets.

A strong defence doesn't have to cost the earth!

For many charities, resilient cybersecurity can feel out of reach: ‘We just don’t have the money or people to do more than the minimum.’ And with high reliance on personal devices and a large proportion of part-time or voluntary staff, IT staff face a cocktail of challenges. How do you protect dispersed devices, staff, and data on a shoestring?

Automate your defences, no extra staff required

Charities are less likely than businesses to deploy cyber security controls, but in 2022, 30% of charities identified a cyber attack. They are increasingly being targeted by cybercriminals for financial gain, access to sensitive or valuable information, or to disrupt charities’ activities. And when they succeed, charities have far fewer reserves to absorb the shock.

Censornet gives charities the abilities and resources they need to fully protect themselves, right across their digital landscape, without having to hire new staff or expend precious resources on multiple endpoint solutions. Our autonomous, integrated cloud security secures everything from web to email to apps, in a single platform that’s easy to launch, easy to use – and doesn’t cost the earth.

The Censornet Platform

The cloud security platform both keeps pace with and enables change, adapting as healthcare organisations add new services or adopt new applications.

Censornet helps keep Protected Health Information (PHI) and Personally Identifiable Information (PII) secure, whilst empowering organisations to meet their security and regulatory compliance obligations.

Data Security is embedded throughout the platform with keyword lists that can be applied to inbound and outbound email, information typed into web forms or posted on social media, and to the content of files associated with cloud application activity such as upload, share, attach or send.

How our platform can help you

Beat the Hackers

Stop ransomware in its tracks, wherever it tries to enter.

Get staff up to speed quickly

Make sure everyone knows how to spot, avoid, and report phishing and other digital attacks and learn cyber best practice.

Eliminate gaps in your system

Integrate your cyber defences – from Email to Web and Cloud Applications, stop attackers getting in between the cracks or your data leaking out.

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0845 230 9590