The ABCD of Cybersecurity

Whilst SASE is further away on the horizon, you can be working on your ABCDs now to keep your organisation safe from cyber-attack. Find out the top 6 ways you can be protecting your organisation right now.

  • Activity Only a quarter (25%) of organisations said they were able to detect when a user account was taken over. Find out why intelligently monitoring activity is the missing part of the puzzle.
  • Behaviour As many as two in three (65%) mid-market organisations suffered an outage in 2021. Understand the role behaviour plays in preventing outages.
  • Context The pandemic drove a 25% rise in remote working and associated use of cloud applications, Explore the role of context in this perimeter-less world.
  • Data 40% of organisations suffered a cloud-based data breach in the past 12 months. Understanding who’s uploaded, shared or sent a file to who or where is no longer enough. Find out the new normal.
Learn your ABDCs

Stop attacks in their tracks by getting your ABCDs right.

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