How Law Firms Can Boost Data Security and Improve Their Cybersecurity Posture

Every industry faces challenges around cybersecurity. But in the legal sector, the protection of data is a uniquely important and sensitive task. Firms hold vast amounts of sensitive client information and need to know that this data can be stored, shared and accessed securely.

Traditionally, law firms have been reluctant to move into the cloud, with security and data security concerns slowing down migration. This has changed in recent years, but when the pandemic hit, firms had little choice. Data had to be made available remotely to ensure business could continue and cloud applications suddenly became mission critical.

Once data is in the cloud, it is vulnerable, unless properly protected. Which is where Censornet can help. Here is our guide to the challenges facing the legal sector, as well as solutions to these problems.

Legal Sector Threats

Law firms face similar threats to businesses in other highly regulated sectors, but with a particular twist due to the nature of the data they must store and share with organisations they work in partnership with around the globe.

Ransomware is a particular risk to a data-sensitive industry and can have a serious reputational and financial impact to legal practices. The implications of a breach can be severe. Complex deals could be ruined if commercial data is leaked, or cases derailed if information is released into the public domain which goes on to prejudice trials. Firms could even face fines under the GDPR if personal data is published by ransomware hackers.

Attackers understand all of this and may see smaller law firms as relatively easy targets, because they do not have dedicated security staff and are unlikely to have the same level of security as a large corporation.

Unlikely, that is, until now.

The Censornet Solution

The Censornet Platform is designed to offer enterprise-grade security that is simple, accessible and affordable, giving small to medium companies the same confidence and control as much larger organisations.

Legal businesses that work with Censornet benefit from all of the products in our single autonomous integrated cloud security platform, which works around the clock to tackle threats and continuously assess the risk of every user and device that can access the network. After deploying Censornet, hard-working IT staff don’t have to sit up all night worrying about an attack, because the platform is protecting them 24/7 and will automatically respond to events with integrated threat intelligence shared across all services.

For law firms, one of the most attractive elements of the Censornet platform is the Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), which enables businesses to monitor, analyse, secure and manage all user interaction with cloud applications and associated data.

In today’s digital world data files are inevitably shared via Dropbox, OneDrive and other cloud applications, which means CASB is no longer a nice-to-have. Censornet CASB can be rolled out in hours, not months, so firms can enjoy the cost and convenience and productivity benefits of cloud applications with comprehensive management and protection almost immediately.

Multi-Channel, Multi-Territory Protection

Censornet provides a cloud platform that integrates Email and Web Security, CASB and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). It is underpinned by the Autonomous Security Engine which analyses and shares security event and state data (about users, devices and other entities) across all core services, stopping attacks at machine speed. This full-spectrum protection is invaluable in defeating multi-channel attacks. Whilst over 90% of attacks start via email, 65% of state and criminal actors use multi-channel attacks that continue in the browser – taking the user to a malicious web page or file stored in the cloud, leaving email security behind. Unless email and web security – and CASB – are tightly integrated, through ASE for example, end to end attack visibility, let alone the ability to stop attacks automatically in real time, is impossible.

The cloud-based nature of the Censornet Platform also allows the fast roll out of multi-territory protection that can be easily configured to provide different protection in countries with different regulations and requirements, such as variations in privacy and data protection law. All rules and settings for all staff and offices globally can be configured in one place, offering security staff a “single pane of glass” through which to monitor and protect a large multinational company.

To find out more about how Censornet can protect law firms today and prepare for the future, come and meet us at the European Legal Security Forum on 29th September 2021.

Censornet will be at Booth 8 and Richard Walters, Chief Technology Officer, will be speaking at 10:45am. His presentation “Plan Smart: The Future is SASE” will show how law firms can make smart decisions today that will help to optimise their cloud and network security in the future.


Find out more about Censornet’s award winning Cloud Security Platform
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