
Healthcare Services Cloud Security

Cloud security for healthcare services refers to the security measures and technologies that are used to protect data and systems in a cloud computing environment for the healthcare industry. Healthcare organizations often deal with sensitive and confidential information, such as patient data and medical records, and it is important to ensure that this information is protected against unauthorized access and breaches.

Get ahead of evolving cyber threats

Healthcare companies and providers are increasingly connected. IT within healthcare is changing rapidly and with adoption of new technologies the attack surface expands. The increasing use of web and cloud applications, and expectations from patients and visitors to have access to Wi-Fi – for example – creates challenges for already over-burdened IT security teams.

Censornet’s single cloud security platform provides a simple, effective solution to address the attack surface that exists within modern healthcare, providing unparalleled insight into activity on the web, within cloud applications and over email – regardless of user, device or location.

Prioritising Cybersecurity in Healthcare

Discover the critical importance of robust cybersecurity in the healthcare sector. Understand the unique challenges and learn about effective strategies to protect sensitive patient data and healthcare systems against evolving cyber threats.

The Censornet Platform

The cloud security platform both keeps pace with and enables change, adapting as healthcare organisations add new services or adopt new applications.

Censornet helps keep Protected Health Information (PHI) and Personally Identifiable Information (PII) secure, whilst empowering organisations to meet their security and regulatory compliance obligations.

Data Security is embedded throughout the platform with keyword lists that can be applied to inbound and outbound email, information typed into web forms or posted on social media, and to the content of files associated with cloud application activity such as upload, share, attach or send.

How our platform can help you

Data Loss Prevention

Data security (DLP) includes predefined keyword lists based on ICD-9 and ICD-10 datasets – that classify and code all diagnoses, symptoms and procedures.

Advanced Threat Protection

Safeguards the major attack surface from all forms of malware – including ransomware – using multiple technologies and world class threat intelligence.

Cloud Access Security Broker

CASB enables the safe adoption of cloud applications with precise control over the features or actions users can perform within hundreds of business apps.
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